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Books I've Translated

As a translator, I decode centuries-old Chinese texts and investigate their histories to make ancient stories and wisdom accessible and relatable.

Happiness & Suffering

Commissioned By

The Glorious Jewel Buddhist Center

A Sino-Tibetan Buddhist work by Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche about how we can take advantage of alternating periods of happiness and suffering to further our spiritual practices and avoid the traps of contentment when things are going good and overwhelm when they're not going so good.

Tao Te Ching: Wondrous Revelations

Commissioned By

Ultrabliss Yoga

A complete translation of the Tao Te Ching and accompanying commentary by Master Mei, which uses Taoist concepts and poetic prose to teach aspirants from all walks of life how to gain freedom by following the ancient teachings of Lao Tzu.

The Secret of Chan

Commissioned By

Ultrabliss Yoga

Master Mei’s guide to Chan Buddhist meditation; the stages we can expect to go through on the path of practice and cultivation; and how to subdue the mind and attain ultimate clarity.

Emptiness Energy

Commissioned By

Ultrabliss Yoga

Yet another work by Master Mei which combines Buddhist concepts of emptiness, compassion, interdependent arising, and non-discrimination with Taoist concepts of energy and the Tao as the ultimate source of love.

Translation Process →

Eric R Stone

Eric R Stone is an American journalist and translator living in Taipei, Taiwan. He specializes in politics, history, philosophy, and ancient Chinese literature. He's translated four books: Happiness & Suffering, Tao Te Ching: Wondrous Revelations, The Secret of Chan, and Emptiness Energy. In his free time, he boulders, dances Lindy Hop, and runs Dungeons & Dragons adventures in Mandarin for his Taiwanese friends.

Full Bio →

Contact me

Whether you’re an editor looking for a journalist on the ground in Taiwan or a publisher who needs a translator who specializes in ancient Chinese texts, why not reach out? Fill out the form below, or e-mail me at: ericrstone (at) pm (dot) me

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